Concert solidaire: a tribute to healthcare workers

The Orchestre de l’Agora will perform a live concert, to be broadcast on social networks as well as on its website. The Orchestre will also release 50 in-house tickets to medical support workers and other healthcare professionals for this concert at the Maison symphonique on Sunday, July 26 at 3 p.m. Healthcare workers have stepped up as true heroes and heroines of this province over the past three months.Read More

News from the Orchestre | COVID-19 Crisis

We hope that this period of containment and great upheaval still finds you in good shape. This unprecedented crisis, which is affecting us all to varying degrees, calls for reflection and brings us back to basics, particularly to the arts, culture and music. Read More

Le cadeau idéal, juste à temps pour les fêtes!

Ne manquez pas ce concert festif de l’Orchestre de l’Agora en partenariat avec l’Atelier lyrique de l’Opéra de Montréal, le jeudi 13 février 2020 à 19 h 30, au magnifique Théâtre Rialto!

Une occasion d’entendre les meilleurs jeunes chanteurs canadiens dans une atmosphère décontractée de type « cabaret ».Read More